Become a master communicator - The secrets of great communicators

¨Everyone can speak but very few can communicate¨

Discover the secrets of great communicators and become a great communicator yourself. Learn techniques that will transform your communication skills to keep the attention of the audience from the beginning to the end and have an impact.

This program will help you:


Part 1: Get to know James
Part 2: Evaluate your communication skills

Part 1: Discover the 4 communication styles

  • Dove
  • Peacock
  • Eagle
  • Owl

Part 2: Discover your own influential style

Part 3: See all the styles in action and learn from them

Part 1: What is your big idea Part 2: Prepare your throughline Part 3: Structure – crafting your talk plan Part 4: Use stories to support your big idea
Part 1: What’s in it for them? Part 2: How to hook/captivate the audience Part 3: How to keep their attention Part 4: How to move them to action
Part 1: What’s in it for them? Part 2: How to hook/captivate the audience Part 3: How to keep their attention Part 4: How to move them to action


Have you ever felt that you either do not have potential or you have potential, but you are not sure how to boost it? Would you like to boost your potential, but you do not know why? Have you ever felt you can do or achieve more but you do not know how? Would you like to find your potential and live a fulfilling life? Are you ready to take a journey where you discover your Passion, Talent and potential? How would you feel if you discovered your powerful BOOST/WHY/PURPOSE from your Passion, Talent and Potential? Do you want to have an inspiring Personal Growth Plan?


My name is James Basha, an expert on Personal Growth, Communication and Leadership and I help people Find and Boost their potential so that they live a fulfilling life and inspire them to inspire others. 

Discovered the formula From OK to GREAT leaders & Creator of the ¨Learn by living¨ methodology

Finding my passion, talent and potential and crafting my BOOST has given me the opportunity to take my career to a whole new level and live my purpose.

This has helped me to attract speaking engagement in many companies such as: Swarovski, Danone, Microsoft, Telefonica, Luxiainternational, Boehringer Ingelheim, MediaPro, Xing, Alcampo, Ser Cataluña, etc ….

This has also allowed me to help thousands of people craft their BOOST and Personal Growth Plan so that they can make a difference in others.
I know finding your BOOST can transform your life and invite you do the same:

Discover your BOOST

Over the course of 3 transformational sessions I am going to take you through an exciting journey by using my own method ¨LEARN BY LIVING¨ – Learn it, Live it, Lead it, where you will find your purpose in life and help others do the same.

This is what you will:

If this is not enough...


If you are reading this right now, there is one thing for sure, you want to transform yourself. You are probably a little bit frustrated with yourself because where you are and want to discover where you are going. Knowing that you have potential is ok but taking action to learn how to boost it makes the difference.

You are here because:

This is not for you if you: